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Here are some great links and resources for parents, guardians, teachers, and students at Connolly School and Aspire Academy. Feel free to recommend additional resources by emailing

Booster Club Documents

Connolly Booster Club members' Google Drive - Find agendas & minutes for Booster Club meetings, current bylaws, flyers, financial statements, archived newsletters, etc.

Connolly Booster Club Facebook Page

Like/follow the Connolly Booster Club Facebook page and invite your fellow CMS and Aspire families to like the page as well.

Connolly Middle School Dive into all the key info on school policies, events, and contact details.

Aspire Academy ASPIRE Academy is a self-contained gifted program serving students from 3rd to 8th grade.

AVID Program Avid College and Career Readiness. Connolly Middle School (National AVID Demonstration Site) is a proud host of the AVID program. Learn more about how they are setting a strong foundation for students.

Tempe Elementary District Welcoming, achieving, eye-opening, and future-ready Preschool-8 education to free the boundless potential in each child – so they are fully prepared to embrace the opportunities of tomorrow and excel for a lifetime.

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